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Arts Track – TEI 2018


General Info

The Arts Track at TEI 2018 invites submissions of art installations and live performances exploring the post-digital. In our daily lives, the digital has become the mundane, inseparable from our everyday routines and bringing us the ability to be interconnected on a global scale. The digital is integrated in every step of our lives, however, it’s often valued for its utilitarian use rather than looking at it as a creative or provocative medium. One way of approaching the post-digital is to bring analogue to meet the digital. In the post-digital era, we see a turn to vintage materials and craftsmanship, natural materials have come to the fore, and along with the practices of making them are once more being cherished. Designing for the post-digital does not mean blindly embracing nostalgia or turning away from technology – it means demystifying the digital through the design process and encouraging designs that equalise the status of digital and analogue, both in the materials and the practices.
We invite interactive artworks, live performances, video prototypes/mockumentaries or any other type of artworks that use the post-digital to enrich emotional, bodily and cultural experiences through aesthetic explorations. Rather than focusing on representations of data and information, we welcome projects aiming for more provocative and critical reflection on the role of technology in our life.

We seek submissions that articulate viewpoints and facilitate dialogue around the TEI conference themes as well as topics including but not limited to:

  • Humanization or dehumanization of technology in our contemporary world
  • Manifestations of electronic media – analogue as well as digital – in the physical world, and it’s possible political implications
  • Critical or discursive designs that engage with how human physical interactions may get represented in digital realms
  • Artworks engage with the “post-truth” era
  • Live Wizard-of-Oz performances that present believable or unbelievable interactions
  • Body as experience, instrument and interface
  • Artistic explorations of shape-, weight-, colour- and size changing artefacts
  • Novel interactions realised through traditional crafts or unconventional materials, professional artistry, craft or musicianship
  • Ephemeral interfaces
  • Haptic and multi-modal experiences
  • Mixed reality (virtual or augmented) from a tangible and embodied interaction perspective
  • Aesthetic experience through tangible or full body interactions


The Arts Track welcomes submissions of artworks and live performances from a wide range of practitioners and researchers in areas such as arts, design and technology including submissions from students and independent practitioners. Each submission should identify and address one or two themes most appropriate to the work you would like to exhibit.

Submissions should be in the form of a short (4-6 page Extended Abstract Template) paper in PDF format that will appear in the TEI Proceedings and will be indexed in the Extended Abstracts portion of the ACM Digital Library. They may also include a short (5 minute maximum) video documenting the artwork.
Submissions should include the author(s) name and affiliation – in other words, they are not blind. In addition, applicants MUST submit an additional installation information form along with their Extended Abstract describing the technical and logistical requirements of exhibiting/performing their work.

All papers must be submitted electronically (.pdf) via the TEI Precision Conference site. Please note that the maximum size of the PDF should not exceed 20 Mb. Authors may either upload a video to Precision Conference, or provide a link in the paper (just before the References) to view the video (e.g. from Youtube or Vimeo). The video may be password protected – in that case, please include the password with the link.

Selection Process

Submissions will be selected based on their artistic merits and their engagement with issues relevant to the field of tangible and embedded interactive art. In addition, the logistical constraints of the venue may determine the eligibility of submitted projects.

Confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity.
Review Criteria:

  • Relevant – The work must have a tangible aspect, in the form of an installation, performance, object or physical event.
  • Artistic – It must operate significantly and compellingly through its formal, conceptual, and experiential properties.
  • Embodied – The work must engage the human body beyond the traditional screen-pointer interface.
  • Computational – It must involve computational technology (digital or analog) in some aspect of its form or function.
  • Positioning – The work must be positioned within related areas of theory and/or practice.


Accepted work will be exhibited in a venue that is open to conference delegates. Artists (or their delegates) will need to be available for installation and bump-out, and for facilitating interaction with their artwork at scheduled times.

One author of each accepted submission must register for the conference before the early registration deadline in order for the final paper version to appear in the conference proceedings.

We are happy to announce that a limited number of discounts will be available for self funded artists and practitioners taking part in the conference, please contact the Arts chairs related to your submission if you would like to take advantage of these discounts.


Fonte: Arts Track – TEI 2018

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