border negotiations in local contexts
Publicado em: border negotiations in local contexts
Moderação Gaia Giuliani (CES)
Drawing from my book, “Polizia e migranti in città“, my seminar will focus on police discretion investigated through research on internal bordering practices in an urban space. Confronted with the presence of illegalised migrants in a context of non-deportability, the police are caught in the paradox of having to enforce a law that is impossible to uphold. Thus, the border is also the result of negotiation—within asymmetrical power relations—between the police’s claim to invisibility of illegalised migrants and the migrants’ demand for visibility. At the heart of the analysis is the interaction between controllers and the controlled to establish the terms of an “acceptable illegality”. Starting from the role of the nascent police in controlling idlers and vagabonds, the book retraces the debate on police discretion before arriving at the role that the police play in today’s immigration control: in continuity with the traditional control of mobility and poverty, but not without innovations in the racialization of nationality, the police end up producing and reproducing order in societies affected by globalization and continuous transformation. The book aims to offer a detailed description of a mechanism of silent and subordinate inclusion of subjects whose persistent presence is simultaneously visible and denied.
Nota biográfica
Giulia Fabini, PhD in “Law and Society,” is a researcher in Sociology of Law, deviance, and social change at the University of Bologna. Her research focuses on border policing, immigration detention, undeportability, police discretion, police and cybersecurity, and prison from a gender perspective. She has had visiting positions at CSLS UC Berkeley, IISL in Onati, and A Coruna University. Giulia also served as the assistant editor for the European Journal of Criminology from 2017 to 2020. Additionally, she is a member of the Editorial Board for “Studi sulla Questione Criminale,” “Rivista Antigone,” and “Justice, Power, and Resistance.” Giulia is also a member and co-founder of the “Translocal Law Research Collective. Her first monograph is “Polizia e migranti in città. Negoziare il confine nei contesti locali” (Carocci, 2022); recently she has co-authored a second monograph “Polizia: un vocabolario dell’ordine” (Mondadori Università, 2023), together with Enrico Gargiulo and Simone Tuzza. She has published her research in national and international top journals in criminology and sociology of law.
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