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Debates in the Digital Humanities


A plataforma Debates in the Digital Humanities foi lançada em 2013 em conjunto com a edição de acesso aberto do primeiro Debates no volume de Humanidades Digitais. Desde então, a plataforma expandiu-se para incluir recursos que permitam a interacção dos leitores com o material, marcando passagens e adicionando termos a um índice de crowdsourcing; A plataforma também inclui alimentação de feeds e APIs.

Debates in the Digital Humanities 2016 marks the start of a new book series from the University of Minnesota Press. Building on the first edition of Debates in the Digital Humanities, the series will explore the most compelling debates in the field as they emerge. As digital humanities scholars and practitioners, along with their critics, continue to articulate the field, Debates in the Digital Humanities will track the issues and tensions at stake in their discussions of methods, practices, theories, controversies, projects, and politics.

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