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International Conference “Big Data on Human and Social Sciences”

O Instituto de História Contemporânea (IHC, FCSH-NOVA) e o Laboratório de História (Universidade de Columbia) promovem a Conferência Internacional “Big Data on Human and Social Sciences – History, Issues and Challenges”, que examinará os desafios e impactos do “big data” nas ciências humanas e sociais, que abre novas possibilidades de conexões e colaborações. A conferência será realizada nos dias 6 e 7 de novembro de 2017, em Lisboa.


Humanists and social scientists have at their disposal an unprecedented amount of data today. For sure, the wide variety of data available, including the massively growing public archival data, creates many opportunities. For instance, it allows to extend the geographical and longitudinal scope of analysis on a new scale. But nor the data existent in social and historical processes is neutral nor the ways to store, retrieve and analyse such amount of data is based upon simplistic decisions.

With their capacity to historically situate the objects of analysis, discuss meanings and vast textual corpora, as well as their strength on contextual knowledge, historians, sociologists, political scientists, economists, philosophers and anthropologists are in strong position to contribute to this revolution. Grounded on the presence of academic experts from such fields of knowledge, this Congress will cover a wide range of topics aiming to build bridges with formal, applied and natural scientists and to open windows into the public domain.

What can we learn from the rise and fall of cliometrics, and how will humanists receive new research using computational methods? What are the biggest challenges, opportunities, and pitfalls in applying computational methods to historical data? If these new methods actually lead to new discoveries, will that change standards of evidence, and challenge claims based on purely qualitative research?


Oradores convidados:

Matthew Connelly (Columbia University)
Maria Fernanda Rollo (Secretary of State of Science, Technology and Higher Education)
Daniel Alves (IHC – NOVA FCSH)
Carlos Catalão (Ciência Viva; CIES-IUL)
José Pedro Sousa Dias (IHC – NOVA FCSH; MUHNAC-UL)
Maria Eduarda Gonçalves (Dinamia’CET-IUL)

Website do evento

Fonte: International Conference “Big Data on Human and Social Sciences”

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