Notes on Urban Everyday Life, Situatedness, and Spatial Agency
Publicado em: Notes on Urban Everyday Life, Situatedness, and Spatial Agency
Moderação: Tiago Castela (CES) | Comentário: Carlos Fortuna (FEUC/CES)
Can walking be considered politically relevant? And in what sense can we talk about the walking practice as a political one? Starting from a political-philosophical perspective, the aim of this talk is to lay the foundations for a political theory of walking that passes through a rooting of practice in the spatial and experiential dimensions; and that understands walking in the framework of everyday life. In this talk we will attempt to explore the ineliminable relationship between the practice of walking, body and space, claiming that walking always consist of, in fact, walking a space.
Nota biográfica
Elisa Mozzelin is a PhD Candidate in Political Philosophy at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Her doctoral dissertation delves into walking intended as a political practice. Her research interests include the philosophy of (social) space, mobility studies, and feminism. She was a Visiting Student at CES-UC in 2023-24.
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