Teach-in on Palestine and the coloniality of the present
Publicado em: Teach-in on Palestine and the coloniality of the present
The Teach-in aims to provide comprehensive knowledge on the Palestinian cause alongside the history of Palestinian resistance against, and survival to, land disposession, apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide in the Israeli-occupied territories of Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem.
First, it introduces the wider public to the history of Gaza and the people who have come to call it home following the mass displacement of Palestians in 1948 (Nakba).
Second, it illustrates how the US’s military and industrial complex, alongside twenty and more years of ‘War on Terror’, paved the way to the current escalation of Israeli violence as well as the international community’s failure to halt the ongoing onslaught and persecution of civilians in Gaza and West Bank, respectively.
Third, it contextualises and examines how ‘counter-terrorism’ measures of have cleared the way for the current crackdown on pro-Palestinian protests and expression of solidarity in most Western countries. Last, it traces and contextualises Western states’ conflation of anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism while discussing the current global anti-Zionist Jewish movement for the liberation of Judaism from Zionism.
Chair: ITM Steering Committee
This event is part of the ITM Seminar Series ‘Migration(s) and Global Crises’ and is organised to complement the upcoming Seminar Series ‘[In context] Palestine/Israel: Past, Present and Future’.
Ruba Salih | Pprofessor of Anthropology at the Department of the Arts, University of Bologna. Her research interests and writing cover transnational migration and diasporas across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, Islam and gender, the Palestine question, and refugees. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge and at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Clive Gabay | Works on excavating Jewish traditions of thought that depart from ethno-chauvinism and settler colonialism. At the moment this involves researching the life-worlds and cosmologies of members of his own family tree, who were kabbalists in Syria and Jerusalem in the 19th and early 20th Centuries.
Suzy Hansen | Journalist living in New York and Istanbul. She is the author of Notes on a Foreign Country: An American Abroad in a Post-American World (2017), which was a finalist for the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in Nonfiction and the winner of the Overseas Press Club’s Cornelius Ryan Award for best book on international affairs. Her journalism has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, The New York Review of Books, and many other publications. For the last three years, she has taught writing at Bard College’s Globalization and International Affairs program. Hansen is currently finishing her second book, which is tentatively titled From Life Itself: Turkey in the 21st Century.
Anna-Esther Younes (PhD, she/her) | Scholar of race, Europe and figurations of Whiteness, Palestinians and Jews in a New Germany and Europe. In her work, she engages and coined what she calls “settler coloniality” and the “War on Antisemitism” to facilitate a broader, transnational and transdisciplinary understanding of current polity-economic conjunctures of anti-antisemitism theories and politics (the New Antisemitism, or Imported Antisemitism) in Germany, Europe, and transnationally. Younes is interested in war, policing structures, racial boundary drawing, and the production of inverted racisms when the powerful present as victims. She has mainly used psychoanalytic and race critical theories in her PhD and is working on publishing more. She is currently a researcher at the University of Amsterdam. Younes’ work can be found on academia.edu or on https://annaestheryounes.net
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