PhD Programme in Materialities of Literature 2019-2020: applications are now open
DML Guia do Programa | DML Programme Handbook
Applications for the PhD Programme in Materialities of Literature (FCT PhD Programme) for the edition beginning in 2019-2020 are now open. The applications calendar is organized into three phases: 6 places in the 1st phase, February 4 to March 29, 2019; 3 places in the 2nd phase, April 1 to July 15, 2019; 1 place in phase 3, August 19 to September 6, 2019. The announcement regarding this call can be found here.
Frequently asked questions:
A) What are the eligibility criteria for the Programme application?
The ranking of the candidates for the Programme will be made according to the following criteria:1) Grades obtained in the previous academic degrees – BA and MA (30%);
2) Scientific merit of the candidate’s preliminary project (30%) – this preliminary project should fit into one of the Programme’s three research lines: “Ex Machina: Inscription and Literature” (cf.; “Vox Media: Sound in Literature” (cf.; ou “ReCodex: Forms and Transformations of the Book” (cf.;
3) Specific qualifications relevant to the scientific area of the Programme (10%);
4) Scientific curriculum (10%);
5) Professional curriculum (10%);
6) Interview (10%).
B) Are there PhD Fellowships to be awarded by the Programme?
In the 2019-2020 edition there are no PhD Fellowships to be awarded by the Programme. The availability of scholarships by the Programme in the near future will depend on the result of the ongoing national evaluation of the Research & Development Units. Once admitted into the Programme, candidates may apply for the individual annual FCT grant competition.C) How is the application made?
Applications are made through the information system of the University of Coimbra. Instructions for the online application process can be found here: What is the annual programme fee?
The annual programme fee is currently 1,417.00€, to be payed in installments.
More information can be found in the following entries:
1. What is the Doctoral Programme in Materialities of Literature?
2. Curriculum structure of the Doctoral Programme in Materialities of Literature (Cf. Order No. 2666_2011, Diário da República_2ª série_Nº26_of February 7, 2011, pp. 6913-6914)
3. Guest Professors and Programme Professors of the PhD Programme in Materialities of Literature (2010-2018)
4. Students of the PhD Programme in Materialities of Literature (2010-2018)
5. Prior requirements for Applying to the Doctoral Programme in Materialities of Literature
8. Videos with testimonials from PhD students and recordings of seminars by guest professors (2011-2014)
9. MATLIT in 90 seconds (2018): ten PhD projects of the Programme explained by their respective authors in 90 seconds.
10. MATLIT: Materialities of Literature (International journal that addresses the material and technological mediations of literary practices, with a particular focus on printness, digitality, aurality, and intermediality – 10 issues published, 2013-2018)
11. LdoD Archive: Collaborative Digital Archive of the Book of Disquiet (2012-2017): main result of a research project of the Centre for Portuguese Literature funded by FCT, and which was developed within the Research Group «Digital Mediation and Materialities of Literature»
12. Ex Machina: Inscription and Literature (2015-2022): research project of the Centre for Portuguese Literature, developed within the Research Group «Digital Mediation and Materialities of Literature»
13. Vox Media: Sound in Literature (2015-2022): research project of the Centre for Portuguese Literature, developed within the Research Group «Digital Mediation and Materialities of Literature» (Vox Media website)
14. ReCodex: Forms and Transformations of the Book (2015-2022): research project of the Centre for Portuguese Literature, developed within the Research Group «Digital Mediation and Materialities of Literature»
15. Inanimate Alice: Translation of Digital Literature in an Educational Context (2016-2018): research project of the Centre for Portuguese Literature, developed within the Research Group «Digital Mediation and Materialities of Literature»
16. Digital Literary Studies (May 14-15, 2015): international conference organized by the Doctoral Programme in Materialities of Literature
17. Language and the Interface (2015): international exhibition organized by the Doctoral Programme in Materialities of Literature
18. Variations on António: A Colloquium around António Variações (7-8 December 2017): conference organized by the Doctoral Programme in Materialities of Literature and by the Area of Artistic Studies of the School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Coimbra
19. Ways of Literature in MATLIT LAB: A Humanities Laboratory (2019): exhibition of experimental literary artifacts produced in the Programme
20. History of the activities of the Programme (2010-2019)
Further information: Prof. Manuel Portela,
Fonte: PhD Programme in Materialities of Literature 2019-2020: applications are now open