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Seminars in Prehistory and related disciplines – Agenda UC

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The Laboratory of Prehistory, CIAS, in collaboration with the Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, presents the Public Lecture Series:

Mar Jul 2021

Online • Free

Encounters with our past: Seminars in Prehistory and related disciplines is a public lecture series on anthropological and archaeological explorations of the human past. The invited speakers cover a range of topics spanning the Early Pleistocene to the recent past and engage with a diverse array of state of the art methodologies and theoretical approaches to anthropological and archaeological data.


  • Ana Maria Silva (CIAS, DCV, UC)
  • John Willman (CIAS, UC)

The complete program (BELOW) will be available soon.

Mar 5th • Dmanisi hominids through Time, Teeth, and Tooth Wear • Ann Margvelashvili • HERE

Mar 19th • Investigating Iberian prehistory using Ancient DNA • Rui Martiniano • HERE

Mar 26th • Medieval medicine and leprosy: new insights from dental calculus analysis • Elena Fiorin HERE

Apr 2nd • Patterns and Impacts from the Cultural Use of Cinnabar in Late Neolithic to Bronze Age Iberia • Steven D. EmslieHERE

Apr 9thPoblaciones del Vº – IIº milenio a.n.e. a través de sus manifestaciones funerarias y sus restos óseos en la banda atlántica de Cádiz • Adolfo Moreno Marquez • HERE

Apr 16thWhat can archaeology tell us about Islamic engagements with megalithic landscapes in al-Andalus?Katina T. LilliosHERE

Apr 30thModos de vida y muerte en una población calcolítica mediterránea: El enterramiento colectivo de Camino del Molino (Caravaca de la Cruz, Murcia)Sonia Díaz-NavarroSOON

May 14thNew approaches to analyse prehistoric mobility: isoscapes and spatial analysisMarta Zorita BonillaSOON

May 28thFinding Biological Markers of Mobility in Late Prehistoric populations of the Iberian Peninsula: A Stable and Radiogenic Isotope ApproachAnna WatermanSOON

June 4th To be announced • Emanuela Cristiani SOON

June 11thRest In Pieces: archaeobotany in funerary contextsJoão TeresoSOON

June 18thTo be announcedTeresa Fernandez-CrespoSOON

June 25thUnder the Aten: Diet of the South Tombs Cemetery individuals at Amarna, EgyptKristin KruegerSOON

July 2ndBody Modifications, Social Identities, and Beauty in Ancient Mesoamerica • Vera TieslerHERE

July 9thGender, mobility and residential patterns in Copper Age IberiaMarta Cintas PeñaSOON

July 16thMortuary practices in Transylvanian Neolithic and Eneolithic: an overviewMihai GligorHERE

Fonte: Seminars in Prehistory and related disciplines – Agenda UC
Feed: Eventos Futuros – Agenda UC
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