Technology, Big Data and International Relations

Publicado em: Technology, Big Data and International Relations
Debates on technology and power are not unprecedented in the field of International Relations. However, the way both interact in today’s digital era holds challenging configurations for both the practice and the study of International Relations. Drawing on different interdisciplinary contributions, this Summer School aims to critically explore the epistemological and methodological possibilities big data and the Internet of things (IoT) bring to IR while critically questioning how far the technology that allowed the advent of these has been revolutionizing the world we live and how research in IR is concurrently going through an epistemological, (de)ontological, methodological and ethical shift.
This Summer School will offer a mix of seminars, group discussions and workshops on theoretical debates, digital methods, and specific areas of IR where theory and digital methods might be critically applied.
Coordination Committee
Maria Raquel Freire and Sofia José Santos (CES/FEUC – University of Coimbra)
Keynote Speaker
Stefania Milan, University of Amsterdam
Tommaso Venturini, Sciences Po Paris
Teaching Team
Alexandre de Sousa Carvalho, University of Coimbra
André Barrinha, University of Bath
Benjamin Farrand, University of Newcastle
Bia Carneiro, University of Coimbra
Catarina Maçãs, University of Coimbra
Daniela Nascimento, University of Coimbra
Inês Amaral, University of Coimbra
Jesús Sabariego, University of Coimbra
Maria Raquel Freire, University of Coimbra
Nahema Marchal, Oxford University
Sofia José Santos, University of Coimbra
Teresa Almeida Cravo, University of Coimbra
Tiago Lapa, ISCTE-IUL (tbc)
Tina Askanius, Mälmo University
Who can apply?
Applicants should preferably be PhD or MA students, academics, or practitioners in the fields of International Relations, Political Science, Peace and Conflict Studies, Media and Communications, or Social Sciences. Sessions will be presented and discussed in English and participants are encouraged to bring their own laptop.
How to apply?
Send a short CV (2 pages maximum) and a biographical note (300 words maximum) in English to
Relevant dates:
15th May 2020: Deadline for submitting your application
20th May 2020: Announcement of selected candidates
Until 30th May 2020: Early bird registration and payment
Until 10th June 2020: Regular registration and payment
Early bird fee: 190€
Regular fee: 250€
Supported by
Doctoral Programme International Politics and Conflict Resolution (FEUC/CES)
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence PRONE
DeCode/M Research Project
Feed: Centro de estudos Sociais – Eventos