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Workshop | The Crisis and the Challenges of Democracy

scientific committee

Leonardo Avritzer
Leonardo Avritzer is an associate professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. He graduated in political sociology at the New School for Social Research. In 1998 and 2003 he was a visiting scholar at the Department of Political Science at MIT. His Ph.D. dissertation received the New School for Social Research Albert Salomon Dissertation Award. Among Leonardo Avritzer’s published books is “A Moralidade da Democracia”, which received the José Albertino Rodrigues award of best book in social sciences in Brazil, in 1997. He is also the author of “Democracy and the Public Space in Latin America”, published by Princeton University Press. Between 1996 and 1998 Leonardo Avritzer was the director of the Brazilian Association of Postgraduate Programs and Research in Social Sciences (ANPOCS) and was president of the Brazilian Association of Political Science (ABCP).

Giovanni Allegretti
Giovanni (Aldo Luigi) Allegretti is an architect, planner and senior researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the Coimbra University, Portugal. Here he is among the directors of the Ph.D “Democracy in the XXI century” and he coordinates the “PEOPLEs’ Observatory: Participation, Innovation and Local Powers”. He is a member of the Working Group “DECIDe” at CES. Since 2001, he has been assistant professor in Town Management at the University of Florence, where he got his Ph.D in Town,Territorial and Environmental Planning. He studied in Brazil, Danmark and Japan with scholarships of the Ministry of Foreign affairs. Expert of the European Commission for the URBACT Programme, he deals with Participatory Budgets and Interactive Planning since 1998. On this subject he wrote several books. As a consultant and trainer about participatory processes, he was invited to hold professional courses by several Local Authorities (in country such Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Sweden, Portugal, Senegal).

Marisa Von Bülow
Marisa von Bülow is a professor at the Political Science Institute, University of Brasilia, Brazil. She is the winner of the 2012 Luciano Tomassini International Relations Book Award, for “Building Transnational Networks: civil society and the politics of trade in the Americas” (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2010). Her main research interests include: transnational networks, social movement theory, globalization and collective action repertoires, and state-civil society relations. She is the author of several articles in journals such as Mobilization and Latin American Politics and Society.

Priscila Delgado
Priscila D. Carvalho is post-doctoral researcher at the  INCT – Institute of Democracy, Brazil, currently investigating gender features of the current democratic crisis and  the reactions of rural social movements to right-wing goverments. Holds a PhD in Political Science from Federal University of Minas Gerais on transnational action of rural movements. In 2018, was a visiting scholar at University of Massachusetts – Amherst. In 2006, received an Avina Grant for Journalistic Investigation about indigenous people living in cities.

Alfredo Ramos
Alfredo Ramos holds a PhD in Political Science and a master’s degree in Participatory Research, both from the Complutense University of Madrid. His main research interest includes: participatory democracy; intra-party democracy; social movements and social innovation and cultural policies. 

Fonte: Workshop | The Crisis and the Challenges of Democracy

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